Patient Preferences in Provider Search and Scheduling

Discover how leading health system websites match-up against patient preferences

Health systems are long overdue for meeting basic patient needs. In a growing competitive landscape that includes the country’s largest retailers (i.e., Amazon, Walmart, and CVS), patients have more choices than ever and their expectations for convenient digital tools are being shaped outside of healthcare. So how do the country’s top healthcare systems stack up? It’s clear that current health system capabilities fall short of consumer preferences, leaving significant opportunities for progressive, consumer-centric systems to distinguish themselves from competitors.

Report Overview

  • 2 out of 3

    patients prefer to find a doctor using digital channels, especially web.

  • 3 out of 4

    patients prioritize ‘timely appointments’ when choosing a PCP.

  • <1 out of 5

    “honor roll” health systems allow their provider search to be sorted by the earliest available appointment.

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