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Aasim Saeed Aasim Saeed

The Modern Odyssey: How do I find a ‘good doctor’?

Recently a good friend texted me: “I feel dumb asking this, but how do I find a good doctor near me?” It’s a pretty common question for me these days because a) I’m a physician, b) I turned 40 last year and many of my friends are at similar life stages, and c) I’m in health technology -- and often trying to fix these types of mundane but incredibly persistent problems in healthcare.

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Aasim Saeed Aasim Saeed

Patients are customers, and they hate our product

TL;DR: My wife went in for a routine visit and procedure. What ensued was a calamity of poor experiences, all of which are far too common in today’s healthcare system. And what’s worse, they’re constantly excused or dismissed by a pervasive mindset that we are intrinsically exempt from any sort of standards for “consumer experience” (Think I’m exaggerating? Google “patients are not customers” and prepare to explain why you’re yelling at your computer). For me, this recent patient experience (by proxy) encapsulates what I see as a growing hatred of healthcare among patients.

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Aasim Saeed Aasim Saeed

Digital strategy for health systems: Keep It Simple Stupid

K.I.S.S.: A digital strategy is NOT brain surgery, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise (even if your Chief Digital Officer happens to be a Neurosurgeon). In my experience, most health systems are laboring over this process, taking months or years to powerpoint the "perfect" digital strategy, build an investment plan and participate in bleeding edge technology. IMHO, this is all a ludicrous waste of time... at least until you've done the basics really, really well first.

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Aasim Saeed Aasim Saeed

Prototyping a Wellness-Focused Medical Visit

For this week’s entry, instead of speculating on the possibilities of wellness-focused medical visit, I’m going to test my hypothesis by building a prototype. Like most prototypes, this one is definitely released too early, with obvious flaws and opportunities for improvement. But as the Reid Hoffman quote goes, “if you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”

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Aasim Saeed Aasim Saeed

Book (Chapter) Review: Rebranding Primary Care

For today’s entry, I’m going to take a slightly different approach and share and review a very provocative idea espoused by a thoughtful health care innovator and colleague. Dr. Zeev Neuwirth serves as the Senior Medical Director for Population Health at Atrium Health (formerly the Carolinas HealthCare System) and recently authored Reframing Healthcare, a fantastic read that elegantly blends a design, marketing and operations reimagination of major aspects of healthcare.

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Aasim Saeed Aasim Saeed

Can We Save Wellness from Obscurity and Reinvigorate the Patient-Physician Relationship?

I complained earlier in this exploration of wellness about the missed opportunity for primary care providers (PCPs) to not only engage with, but lead on wellness programming for their patients. It’s not that I’m ignorant of the abundance of wellness programming already live in the market. The problem from my vantage point is that the majority of programming is sponsored and deployed by employers that come with far too many shortcomings, some inherent (i.e., poor uptake and limited accountability) and others that appear to be misguided design (i.e., overly ambitious goals or insufficient scope).

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Aasim Saeed Aasim Saeed

Two Truths and Lie: Why Physicians Should Care About Wellness

If you haven’t heard of the game “two truths and a lie”, it’s a fun ice breaker where people introduce themselves with three statements and others have to guess which two are true and which one is the lie. Think of it like a 5th grade pop quiz: Which of the following statements is NOT true? I think people who love the game (like I do) appreciate the mischief of a) being able to tell outrageous truths to strangers and b) challenging stereotypes and dispelling ‘conventional wisdom’.

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Aasim Saeed Aasim Saeed

Let’s admit it, doctors play almost no role in patient’s wellness today.

I recently made an appointment for a “wellness check-up” — an annual physical exam with a primary care physician (PCP). According to the healthcare industry, I’m in relatively good health and considered ‘low-risk’: I’m in my 30s, I don’t have hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or any major or minor health condition and I don’t take any medications. In fact, the only official diagnosis I’ve ever received was a self-resolving ‘jumpers’ knee’ (patellar tendinitis) as a teenager. As a physician, I know that I’ve been pretty blessed, and I should savor this clean bill of health as long as I possibly can.

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